Friday Knight Alumni Spotlight Q&A
Tell us about yourself. Where you live now, career, and/or family news. What have you been up to since you left Geneseo?
I live in Trumansburg, New York with my wife Amy ('95), daughter Elizabeth, and son Xander. I worked at Citi for 17 years and now work for Intercontinental Exchange. I've been working remotely for 22 years, and wrote and published The Art of Working Remotely in July 2019.
What was your very first job?
You're not counting mowing lawns, right? My first job post-college was working for Citi Private Bank in New York City.
If you didn't have to sleep, what would you do with the extra time?
I would write and draw. I enjoy pretty much any creative pursuit, and enjoy how lost I can get in my work when I'm making something new.
What is one thing on your bucket list?
I've been pretty fortunate to have not formulated a list yet. My bucket keeps getting filled with cool things each and every year. I'd broadly categorize my wishes as being aligned with travel and experiences, though.
What would surprise most people about you?
Most people are surprised that I skew introverted. I'm known locally for being a gregarious singer and stage actor.
What is your favorite family vacation?
Drop me in the middle of the Oregon Cascades with a loaded backpack and I'm a happy man.
What is your favorite sport to watch and which team do you root for?
Wait, what is this? Oh wait, I do have an answer. Alpine ski racing, and I love anyone who's competing. What an adrenaline rush.
What is your favorite meal and why?
My favorite meal is pretty much any food after a tough race. There's nothing like an early lunch and a cold Ithaca Beer on Ithaca's Commons after the Gorges Ithaca Half Marathon. You know, in normal years.
What book(s) is currently on your nightstand?
Understanding Comics, by Scott McCloud
What is your favorite Geneseo tradition?
I volunteered on Activities Commission, so pretty much any of those events. Personal favorite was enjoying pizza with Scott Thompson (Carrot Top) after picking him up at the airport, and working behind the crash barrier at the Barenaked Ladies concert.