Friday Knight Alumni Spotlight Q&A
Tell us about yourself. What have you been up to since you left Geneseo?
I'm currently living in Rochester and semi-retired after a long communications career. I spent 20+ years with Verizon, most of it based in Rochester, but the last 3-1/2 years based in Philadelphia. I'm currently enjoying the carefree life of a freelance communications consultant, taking advantage of travel opportunities and pondering my next move.
What was your very first job?
Copywriter for a small advertising agency in my hometown of Olean, NY.
If you didn't have to sleep, what would you do with the extra time?
Since it would be dark, my options would be somewhat limited. I think I'd make a serious dent in my reading list.
What is one thing on your bucket list?
For the longest time it was traveling to Iceland.
What would surprise most people about you?
Those are secrets I'll take to my grave.
What is your favorite family vacation?
I think any vacation is a good vacation. Sometimes the best are as simple as setting up a tent in the woods.
What is your favorite sport to watch and which team do you root for?
I'm a lifelong Notre Dame football fan and a long-suffering Buffalo Bills fan -- but wait until NEXT year!
What is your favorite meal and why?
Nothing beats a nice juicy, flavorful hamburger.
What book(s) is currently on your nightstand?
The Splendid and the Vile by Erik Larson -- a book about Winston Churchill and the early days of World War II.
What is your favorite Geneseo tradition?
Grabbing my obligatory Aunt Cookies sub!