Next Steps for Admitted First-Year Students
Congratulations on your admission to SUNY Geneseo! To get started on your next journey, follow the steps below.
- 1. Visit Geneseo!
We'd love to get to know you better and show you around campus.
- 2. Pay your deposit
- Log into the Application Status Portal.
- Choose the option I accept my offer, and you will be prompted to pay your deposit.
- Follow the prompts to submit your enrollment and housing deposit - $175.
- The Early Action, Regular Decision and EOP deposit deadline is May 1, 2025.
If you cannot access the portal, please contact the admissions office.
- 3. Create your myGeneseo account
After you submit your deposit, you will receive an email within 24-48 hours directing you to set up your myGeneseo account. This is where you’ll set up your Geneseo student email and access your student portal.
- 4. Apply for financial aid.
- Complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) to apply for financial aid. The recommended deadline is March 15.
- Apply for the New York State Tuition Assistance Program (TAP), which can be done through the FAFSA or separately.
- (Optionally) apply for the NYS Excelsior Scholarship. The application is available on the Excelsior Scholarship Program website during open application periods.
After you accept your place and set up your account
- 5. Send your transcripts from any pre-college courses
Students may transfer a maximum of 45 credits completed while concurrently enrolled in high school. Of these, 30 credits may be AP, IB, and CLEP credits.
To receive credits, you must request an official transcript be sent to Geneseo from the institution where you took the courses. For AP/IB/CLEP exams, you must request official score reports from the testing agency.
Visit transfer of pre-college academic credit for more information and instructions.
- 6. Upload your immunization and physical exam records
All new and transfer students registered for 6 or more credits are required to upload immunization and physical exam records prior to arriving on campus.
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact
- 7. Apply for Housing
There are lots of housing options.
Geneseo offers unique living-learning communities where students with similar interests live in the same building and participate in special activities related to the LLC's focus.
In order to share your housing preferences with Residence Life, you will need to complete a housing agreement called the "New Student Housing Application” in Symplicity (our housing software). Before you get to this part of the process, you will need to pay your deposit and set up your Geneseo email account.
To log into the housing software, you will use your Geneseo username and password, which were sent to you by the Admissions office after you paid your deposit.
The New Student Housing Application is available in Symplicity within 1 - 3 business days once you have made your deposit and activated your My Geneseo account. The housing application will open on April 1 and is due by June 1. Note: Applications will certainly be accepted and reviewed past June 1, but you may miss out on your top preferences if you submit later.
When you complete the application, you will be prompted to read our residential license. All residential students are responsible for the rules and policies in the license. All Geneseo students live on campus for two academic years. Housing agreements are for the full academic year, but you will be billed separately for each semester.
We assign incoming students to housing in deposit date order and availability of space on campus.
You will receive housing even if you do not complete your housing agreement, but the system will not have information to match you with a roommate who shares your habits and preferences.
You will be able to see your housing assignment in your Symplicity account by August 1.
Keep the deadline in mind, check your email regularly, and review the policies in the Residential License.
If you have any questions about the assignment process or housing at Geneseo, visit the residence life website or contact Residence Life at (585) 245-5726 or
- 8. Register for classes
New first year students register for classes at SUNY Geneseo with the help of the Office of Advising.
Visit the New Student Registration page for more information.
- 9. Get your laptop and download the Navigate app
SUNY Geneseo requires all students to bring a Windows or Macintosh laptop computer to college.
For a list of laptop minimum requirements, please visit the computer requirements page. For additional information about technology at Geneseo, visit the CIT HelpDesk or call 585-245-5588.
Download the Navigate Student App on your mobile device and explore Geneseo’s resources.
- 10. Get ready for orientation
Orientation is the start of your journey here at Geneseo. For first-year students starting in the fall, orientation usually happens at the end of August.
During orientation, You will connect with groups of current and new students, learn more about your academic department and meet faculty, discover campus organizations, events, and resources, and begin to complete final tasks to get you closer to a successful start at Geneseo.
More information about orientation will be sent to you by email closer to the event. You can also visit the orientation website.
- 11. Contact the office of accessibility services for accommodations (if needed)
Geneseo provides equal access to all of its programs and activities for students with permanent or temporary cognitive, emotional and/or physical disabilities who present current and proper documentation to the Office of Accessibility Services.
We encourage students to contact us as soon as possible in order to make sure accommodations are in place at the start of the semester. Visit the Office of Accessibility Services website for more information and contact details.
- 12. Designate a preferred name (optional)
SUNY Geneseo recognizes that some students wish to use a name other than their legal or official name of record in day-to-day use.
A preferred first name is one that you choose to be called that is different from your legal or official name of record. SUNY Geneseo allows you to do this by setting a Preferred First Name with the Registrar’s Office. We recognize that some use the terminology of lived name over preferred name, but for now Geneseo uses the word preferred.
You can request a preferred name using the Preferred Name Request Form.
Geneseo will use your preferred name on campus in various systems including the online directory, class rosters, Knightweb, Canvas course learning management system, ID card, and others.
Have questions?
We're here for you and your future. Please contact us at or 866-245-5211.
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