Team Members: James Bradford, Spencer Haughney, Brandon O'Brien & Isaac Pollock and Faculty Advisor, Farooq Sheikh
School of Business News
Geneseo was among about 30 teams to register and 17 teams to submit a report for the preliminary round. The requirement for the preliminary round was to submit a report based on several questions relating to a provided case study. The team had just under two weeks to submit our first report, while also balancing our other course loads and responsibilities.
A few days after submitting the preliminary report, they received notice that they were one of 6 finalist teams selected to write a new report, power-point presentation, and to present at the UB campus. They were sent a new case study to read and write the report on. On Saturday, April 13th, they went to UB and presented in front of 5 judges both from the faculty of UB as well as local professionals in the field of business and operations management.
Our team, "The League of Logisticians" took first place, winning the case competition! We got to network with the other participants, who consisted of undergraduate and graduate students from UB and Buffalo State.