LGBTQ+ Life at SUNY Geneseo supports and empowers lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, questioning, intersex and asexual students. Through collaboration with students, faculty and staff, the LGBTQ+ Life develops and implements programs and resources to affirm an individual's many identities. This includes a/sexuality, a/gender identity, gender expression, race, ethnicity, ability, class and religion.

Conversations at Doty

You can find various information regarding LGBTQ+ resources at SUNY Geneseo. 

More information about Geneseo's
Lavender Graduation Reception

Information on
LGBT*QQIAP+ Terminology and Identities

Information about Coming Out
for those wishing to do so and those wishing to support those who do
The LGBTQ+ Working Group
A faculty, staff, and student
committee working to improve LGBTQ+ student experiences

SUNY Geneseo's
Preferred Name Policy

the Student Organization

All-Gender Restroom Map
(sometimes referred to as gender-neutral restrooms)

A link to SUNY Geneseo's
Gender-Inclusive Language Guide

Safe Zone Network
Geneseo Faculty, Staff, Administrators,
and Students committed to LGBTQ+ inclusiveness

Rainbow Knight How to become a Safe Zone Trainer at SUNY Geneseo 2018 Pride Dinner

Alumni Affinity Group

Alumni may join the LGBTQ+ Alum Affinity Group by updating their contact information via the Alumni Association's Keep In Touch Form, found here. Any questions, comments, or concerns about the LGBTQ+ Alum Affinity Group can be directed to

Special thanks to Geneseo Pride Alliance, Geneseo's LGBTQ+ Life student organization, for the rainbow knight image above.