Economics 364
Project 4

Due  May 4, in my mailbox, no later than 5 p.m.

  Chart your country’s exchange rate for the semester.  You must begin no later than January 31 and end no earlier than April 28, and include observations for every weekday that is not a holiday.  The exchange rate should be expressed in units of local currency per U.S. dollar.  You may also wish to track your currency relative to other major currencies (currency cross-rates can be found in The Wall Street Journal).  Present this data in both table and graphical form.

Carefully and completely explain the movements in the value of this currency.  Bear in mind that rates may change due to conditions in this country or due to conditions in the rest of the world.  The most important determinants of exchange rates are domestic and international real interest rates, domestic and international inflation rates, government sales and purchases of domestic and foreign currencies (and monetary policy in general), and, in some cases, expectations about the future value of the currency.