Class Information
A short history of Pogo
- After completing my Bachelor's degree in Mechanical Engineering at Carnegie Mellon in
1988, I was employed at Westinghouse Electric Corp. for 2 years, where I worked on the
design and manufacture of U.S. Navy nuclear refueling equipment. In 1990, I left
Westinghouse for graduate school. I earned my Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering from The
Johns Hopkins University in 1996. My thesis topic was "The Experimental Investigation
of the Flow Structure Around a Surface Piercing Blunt Body", using Particle Image
Velocimetry (PIV). Before coming full time to SUNY-Geneseo, I taught at several colleges
in the Rochester area, including SUNY-Geneseo, RIT, and Houghton College.
While not teaching, I have done consulting work with Delphi Automotive
and HydroAcoustics, Inc., both in Henrietta New York.