Glenn Geiser-Getz

Professor of Communication
Blake C 105
(585) 245-6329

Dr. Geiser-Getz teaches courses related to argumentation, rhetoric, and cultural criticism.  He was hired in 2018 to serve as our vice provost and joined the communication department starting in the fall of 2022.  During his career, he has worked at a variety of institutions including East Stroudsburg University (Pennsylvania), St. Petersburg State University (Russia), and Keene State College (New Hampshire).  His scholarship focuses on how audiences construct meaning from the varied texts of modern culture in both expected and unexpected ways.  Dr. Geiser-Getz has a special interest in presidential rhetoric, reality-based television, and intercultural communication.  He has taken students on study trips to a variety of international destinations and recommends study abroad to all of his students.  He grew up in Alaska and plays the ukulele.

Glenn Geiser


  • COMN 102: Principles of Public Speaking

    Basic public speaking is the focus of the course. Emphasis is placed on researching topics, organizing speeches, using appropriate language, effective delivery, and critical listening. Instructors analyze student speeches.

  • HONR 203: Top: Media Ecology&PowerOfTech

    This seminar offers an introduction to a topic or set of topics of social relevance as addressed by the social sciences. Typical subtitles might be: Nature versus Nurture, Intepreting the Bell Curve, or The Trap of Poverty. As a core course, it should engage all students and will not assume any prior knowledge of the discipline(s) involved. As a seminar, the class will focus on a lively discussion and analysis of the issues. May be repeated more than once only with permission from director of the Honors Program. Prerequisites: HONR 202 or permission of program director. Offered once per year